"I'm making money, but where did it go?"

If this sounds like something you'd say, the Profit First 6 Week Bootcamp is the course for you! Here are just a few of the things you'll learn and achieve in this course:

  • How financial goals are directly related to your ability to be profitable

  • How to pay yourself regularly and consistently with irregular revenue

  • How to separate your business and personal finances

  • You'll gain complete clarity on what you need to bring in monthly to hit your financial goals

  • How personal finances and business finances impact each other

  • Learn how to spend in your business with freedom and guilt free

  • Learn the importance of an emergency fund in your business and how to start saving it

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome! Read me first 🔥

    2. Introduction to Path to Profitability

    3. My Special Gift To You....

    4. Before we get started, just 3 questions!

    1. Module 1 - Goals & Money Mindset

    2. Goal Setting

    3. Goal Setting Worksheet

    4. Money Mindset

    5. Daily Affirmation Worksheet

    6. Activity Sheet for Goal Setting & Mindset

    7. The No. 1 Habit Billionaires Run Daily - by Mel Robbins

    8. Some Final Thoughts....

    1. Getting started with this module...

    2. Workbook - Week 2 Bank Accounts

    3. Your Common Questions Answered

    4. What You're Looking For In A Bank

    5. The Primary Accounts & Their Purposes

    6. Recap of Those Primary Accounts

    7. My Favorite Banks & A List of Profit First Friendly Banks

    8. Secondary Bank Purpose

    9. Recap of and Details About The Secondary Accounts

    10. NIcknaming Your Accounts

    1. Terms & Definitions You Need To Know

    2. Workbook Week 3 - Your Assessment & Finding Your Numbers

    3. Your Assessment - A Complete Walkthrough To Get Your Numbers

    4. Your Allocation Calculator

    5. What Do You Think?

    1. Introduction

    2. Workbook Week 4 - Putting It All Together & Your Allocation Rhythm

    3. Separating Your Business & Personal Finances

    4. Nicknaming Your Accounts Online

    5. Reconnecting Your Accounts To The Right Places

    6. A Recap Of The Whole Process

    7. Finding Your Allocation Rhythm

    8. The Tax Account In Detail

    9. The Profit Account In Detail

    10. How To Pay Yourself

    1. Introduction to Advanced Strategies

    2. Workbook Week 5 - Advanced Strategies

    3. Finding Your RIFA (Required Income For Allocation)

    4. Advanced Strategies Without Adding Accounts

    5. Now, Moving Onto Advanced Strategies WITH More Accounts...

    6. Sales Tax & The Vault

    7. The Drip Account (One of my favs!)

    8. Pass Through Accounts

    9. The Drip Calculator

    10. All The Other Advanced Account Possibilities

About this course

  • $499.00
  • 60 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Enjoy These Bonuses With Your Purchase!

  • Course Material Forever

    We don't just get into implementing Profit First, but additional advanced strategies you can use as you grow. Come back and revisit the material whenever you're ready to step it up!

  • Access to Tools & Resources

    Get special access to tools and resources I use with my 1:1 clients developed by myself and other profit first professionals.

  • Bonus Lesson On Pricing

    Now that you know what to do with your money when it comes in and how to pay yourself, make sure you're priced for profit and are designing your business to support your life!

Are you ready to get started on bringing financial peace to the business you love?

Make this the last month you ask yourself, "Where did my money go?" and the first month you see your bank account reflect the hard work you put in.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is this different from your group coaching program?

    It's all the same great material without the direct accountability and deadlines. This is to allow you to get started on your own timeline, move at your own pace, with the same self-guided videos to lead you through the path to profitability piece by piece. The group coaching program is opened 3x a year, has weekly group calls with myself & your peers, AND two 30 minute 1:1 strategy calls with me at specific intervals.

  • Can I start this program and upgrade to the live one when it opens?

    100%! It's a great way to get started and your feet wet, but to step it up a level when you're ready!

  • Do I need to have all my numbers and financials in order to take this course?

    While you’ll receive the most benefit and simplicity from having up to date books for at least 6 months or prior years, anyone who has a desire to improve their business finances can do this course and WILL benefit greatly from it! Simply getting the key foundations that are critical to strong business cash flow started and implemented will have drastic effects on your business, your money and your life.

  • I'm a startup business, is this course for me?

    Yes! This course is about implementing the financial foundations you need in your business to be profitable, remove financial stress and temptations and to grow. There’s no better time than starting out to get things in order and ready for growth. In fact, now is THE TIME to get your systems in place, so growth is simple and natural!

  • But I have loads of debt. Should I still do this?

    YES! You can and you should! We’ll talk about debt eliminating strategies so that you can maximize your revenue! Debt is what's holding you back in your business and we'll learn how to STOP riding that hamster wheel!

  • I already implemented Profit First in my business, should I still take this course?

    First, congratulations for taking the bull by the horns and taking charge of your finances! You’re already a rockstar! While I certainly can’t promise you anything, I will tell you with the utmost confidence, that you’ll find some areas in which you can improve the system you’ve already started, gain a lot of value and insight from the advanced strategies and the key financial foundations I get into that are outside of the Profit First model. This course will help you implement the steps and foundations that I believe are necessary to a profitable and growth oriented business!

Imagine this...

It's 2 months from now. You have full clarity on where your money is going. You have clear short term and long term goals with actionable steps to take to get there. You fully understand exactly how much you need to make a month to run your business on bare bones, and how much you need to make to bring home your desired income. You have a 1 month emergency fund for your business in a separate account - not enough for long term, but a great place to start. You are taking home a consistent pay weekly, bi-weekly or monthly from your business. You have a separate account for taxes that are being saved from every dollar that comes in. You have a plan to eliminate debt slowly, surely and PERMANENTLY. You're profitable every. single. month. You no longer stress and lose sleep over money problems. You no longer lose time over decision fatigue and wondering if you can afford something. Enroll today to make this dream come true.